
Our Climate Future is Female: Women and Girls Leading Climate Action

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference featured USAID in an official side-event showcasing the U.S. Government’s commitment and approach to gender-responsive climate action.

Among the initiatives announced at COP 26:

  • Administrator Samantha Power announced USAID will invest at least $14 million of the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund toward gender-responsive climate programming.
  • Administrator Power announced USAID will scale up its Advancing Gender in the Environment initiative, a partnership with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
  • The White House Gender Policy Council announced the U.S. Government-wide Gender Equality and Equity Strategy prioritization of climate change. 
  • NASA announced USAID and NASA’s partnership, SERVIR, is scaling up gender programming.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy announced USAID and DOE are launching a new activity to empower women in energy.