Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice facilitate connections and knowledge-sharing among professionals working toward gender equality.

USAID’s Gender Equality Communities of Practice serve as a convening opportunity for USAID staff interested in and working on advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Communities of Practice provide an opportunity to share knowledge, resources, and lessons-learned among a network of gender equality champions at the Agency to support improved integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment programming across the Program Cycle. 

  • Gender Champions: Addresses key issues related to gender equality and women’s empowerment programming and is open to USAID staff only. 
  • LGBTQI+ Champions: Addresses key issues related to LGBTQI+ programming and is open to USAID staff only. 
  • Gender-Based Violence Community of Practice: Focuses on preventing and responding to gender-based violence and is open to USAID staff only.   
  • Gender and Climate Community of Practice: Focuses on gender-responsive climate and environmental action and is open to USAID staff only. 
  • Menstrual Health and Hygiene Champions: Addresses broad themes related to menstrual health and hygiene and is open to USAID staff only. See our Resource Library to learn more about Menstrual Health and Hygiene. 
  • Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Community of Practice: Focuses on women’s economic empowerment and gender equality, and is open to USAID staff and external stakeholders. Contact: 
  • Women, Peace, and Security Core Team: Core group of USAID Gender Advisors and technical experts that work to implement the WPS Act, WPS Strategy, and USAID’s WPS Implementation Plan across the Agency’s relevant policies and programs. 

Gender Mission office hours

In addition to Communities of Practice, USAID‘s Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub holds mission office hours by region every six weeks. These office hours are held to go over key updates on the Gender Equality Policy, initiatives, and programming and to promote learning among colleagues. The office hours are internal to USAID staff. If you would like to receive an office hour invitation, please reach out to

Latest Events

Visit the Gender Equality Links Events page to find learning opportunities.