Exploring the Triple Nexus of Gender Inequality, State Fragility, and Climate Vulnerability

Read this study that reinforces the need for integrated gender-responsive policy and program approaches that incorporate gender, climate change, and state fragility considerations, which IUCN, together with its members, peers and partners, can pursue through ongoing knowledge building, capacity building and technical support.


Across countries, gender inequality, state fragility, and climate vulnerability present challenges to the well-being of communities and the ecosystems upon which they depend. While much research exists connecting pairs of these issues, little attention has been devoted to the intersection of the three issues, nor to how this ‘triple nexus’ could be taken into account toward more effective sustainable development decision-making and programming. The framework used in this report takes into account 27 country level indicators to better understand how and where linkages among gender inequality, state fragility, and climate vulnerability are prevalent in 122 countries where USAID has a country or regional mission.