
USAID Climate Strategy

Review USAID’s 2022–2030 Climate Strategy that guides a whole-of-Agency approach to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, help partner countries build resilience to climate change, and improve operations.


The USAID Climate Strategy is built on several foundational principles, which will be incorporated into all planning and activities. 

  • Locally Led Development: Support sustainable and equitable climate actions that are locally led, owned, implemented, and tailored and context appropriate.
  • Equity and Inclusion: Center actions in the context of the diverse communities in which we work, and engage local, marginalized, and underrepresented groups as critical agents of change.
  • Private-Sector Engagement: Partner with the private sector to expand the scale, impact, and sustainability of our programs.
  • Nature-Based Solutions: Elevate nature-based solutions as key tools to absorb carbon, reduce disaster risk, support livelihoods, and improve food and water security.
  • Evidence and Innovation: Support the rigorous research, technology, and development needed to identify and deploy effective climate solutions, including those locally known and developed.