Resource Translations
1. Foundational Elements for Gender-Based Violence Programming in Development
Provides evidence-informed and practice-based approaches for GBV programming in development contexts and harmonizes GBV programming across USAID.
2. Resources on Child, Early, and Forced Marriages and Unions (CEFMU) and Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C)
Supports USAID and implementing partners across sectors to design and implement programs in ways that prevent and respond to these harmful practices.
3. How-to Note Series for Gender-Based Violence Programming
Leverages the most recent research on specific topics to help USAID and implementing partners explore and strengthen their GBV programming.
5. Addendum to the Toolkit for Monitoring and Evaluating Gender-Based Violence Interventions along the Relief to Development Continuum Synthesizes
Significant advances in research and learning regarding monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of GBV programming and describes strategic guidance for USAID activities.